STS® has developed our expertise in several industries where we have demonstrated a unique ability to deliver meaningful impact.
STS’s Five Disciplines of Leaders® provide leaders across industries with a solid framework to help them navigate their unique and dynamic challenges.

Banking & Financial
If lending money wasn’t already competitive enough, low interest rates and the economic impacts of a pandemic exposed the strengths and weaknesses of financial service organizations. The consolidation of community banks and credit unions, increased regulatory requirements, consumer demand for digital delivery, and the entrance of FinTech start-ups are requiring leaders to balance short- and long-term strategies in an industry where the financial margins are not getting wider. Balancing consumer and commercial services, leaders in financial services must balance “safety and soundness” while tolerating “risk” to engage employees to deliver easy to use products and services.

Consumer Goods
A highly competitive landscape has become the norm as customers can be fickle and ever looking for better deals and new products often introduced by niche players. Furthermore, consumers have evolved to shopping online, gaining ready access to previously unknown or unavailable products undercutting customer loyalty and further increasing uncertainty. These factors only further compound the enduring challenges of pricing pressure, supply chain rationalization, government regulations, and labor and talent shortages. Our approach to talent management positions leaders to succeed in this especially complex and dynamic environment requiring they be keenly aware of today’s challenges while remaining alert to and nimble enough to prepare for future opportunities.

Energy & Utilities
Transformative innovation, changing consumer preferences, and spirited political debate have propelled these industries from the backdrop to the forefront of our economic, environmental, and social awareness and discourse. While historically known for their relative stability and incremental improvements, the pace of change and agility required for organizations to adapt and lead has been just short of breathtaking. Showing no signs of slowing down, transformation will continue to challenge the strategies, talent, and ways of working of industry leaders at the forefront as well as those simply wanting to remain current. We work closely with senior executives and operational leaders alike to ensure that they have the people and capabilities needed to successfully deliver the performance and results that their customers, communities, and shareholders demand of them.

Although today we function as consultants who specialize in enhancing the effectiveness of the leaders, teams, and organizations we serve, most of us at STS began our careers as licensed clinicians working alongside medical providers in various healthcare settings to deliver top notch integrated care to patients and their families. As such, we are uniquely equipped to understand the distinct leadership, business, cultural, and care delivery realities and challenges faced by clinical and administrative leaders alike. In support of this mission, we have developed a proprietary leadership framework that emphasizes the specific behavioral competencies that clinical leaders need to develop and practice. This framework emphasizes the central notion that they must develop the full spectrum of their organizational leadership capabilities to lead effectively in today’s (and tomorrow’s) dynamic healthcare environment.

Higher Education
Now, more than ever, successful leaders in higher education must be skilled in adjusting their strategies, embracing ambiguity, and learning the power of agility; all while balancing tradition with innovation. Higher education is typically slow to change, and any change requires enormous amounts of buy-in across campus. As virtual approaches to learning become more commonplace, provosts have had to change their approach with faculty. Deans of Students continue to juggle activities to adapt to new methods. And Administrative leaders must find ways to balance budgets with alternate sources of revenue.